Organic Food Importers

Organic Food Importers

Locations / Contact Details

Organic food importers and distributors group.

Countries: Europe, UK, USA, Canada, Brazil, China, Mexico, South Africa.

Activities: Import of organic food from international suppliers.

Organic Food Products Import:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Meat and poultry
  • Dairy products
  • Grains
  • Herbs and spices
  • Tea and coffee
  • Breads and baked goods
  • Snack foods and bars
  • Juices and beverages
  • Oils and vinegar
  • Seafood

More information about Organic food importers


Organic food importers source their products from various countries around the world, depending on the specific type of organic food product.

Some of the top organic food exporting countries include:

  • Spain: Known for exporting organic fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, berries, and tomatoes.
  • Italy: Known for exporting organic dairy products, wine, and olive oil.
  • India: Known for exporting organic spices, tea, and rice.
  • Mexico: Known for exporting organic coffee, avocados, and mangoes.
  • Peru: Known for exporting organic quinoa, maca, and coffee.
  • United States: Known for exporting organic nuts, seeds, and fresh produce.
  • Germany: Known for exporting organic meat products and beer.
  • France: Known for exporting organic wine and cheese.

The global import volume of organic food products has been steadily increasing in recent years.

According to FiBL and IFOAM, the Europe is being the largest organic food importing region, followed by North America and Asia.

Organic Food Importers: Unraveling the Green Thread of Global Trade.

From farm to fork, organic food has reshaped our relationship with what we eat, promising a healthier and more sustainable future.

Yet, the path this food takes to our tables isn’t always straightforward, especially when it crosses international borders.

Enter the organic food importers – the key stakeholders facilitating our access to a global array of organic delights.

Organic Food Importers: Nurturing the Global Organic Ecosystem.

Organic food importers are the crucial connectors in a complex network, linking organic farmers from around the world with customers eager for quality, environmentally friendly choices.

They bridge the gap between supply and demand, navigating a maze of regulations, certifications, and logistical challenges in the process.

The European Approach to Organic Food Import.

When it comes to Europe, the process is governed by stringent European Union (EU) regulations.

Organic food importers must ensure that all products comply with the EU’s organic standards, which focus on environmental protection, biodiversity enhancement, and the preservation of natural resources.

A critical step for importers is obtaining the necessary organic certification.

Products must be certified by an approved body and carry the EU organic logo.

Every link in the supply chain, from production to packaging, is verified to ensure compliance with organic standards.

Organic Food Import in the USA.

In the United States, the import process is regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Organic Program (NOP).

Organic food importers must only import products that carry a USDA or an equivalent international certification.

Products undergo rigorous testing for residues of pesticides and other prohibited substances.

Moreover, importers need to maintain a robust paper trail, documenting the organic integrity of products from farm to port.

The Canadian Framework for Organic Food Import.

In Canada, the importation of organic foods is governed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) Organic Products Regulations.

Organic food importers are required to provide proof of certification compliant with the Canada Organic Regime (COR).

 The products must carry the Canada Organic Logo and meet rigorous standards that verify the organic claims.

Like their global counterparts, Canadian importers also maintain strict traceability records, documenting every step of the food’s journey to ensure organic integrity.

Organic Food Import Practices in Other Countries.

Whether it’s Japan, Australia, or Brazil, organic food importers must adhere to robust national standards and regulations designed to preserve the integrity of organic products.

Transparency and traceability are paramount, and importers play a vital role in maintaining these stringent standards.

So, organic food importers are pivotal in the global organic food system, diligently maintaining organic integrity across borders.

Through their adherence to meticulous import procedures, they ensure that our food remains true to its organic roots.

Next time you relish an organic apple or sip on organic tea, remember the organic food importers who helped bring these healthy choices to your table.