Seafood Importers

Seafood Importers

Locations / Contact Details

Seafood importers and distributors group.

Countries: Europe, UK, USA, Canada, Brazil, China, Mexico, South Africa.

Activities: Import of seafood from international suppliers.

Seafood Import:

  • Fish: including salmon, tuna, trout, cod, haddock, halibut, and tilapia
  • Shellfish: including shrimp, crab, lobster, clams, mussels, and oysters
  • Squid and octopus: including calamari and cuttlefish
  • Scallops: including sea scallops and bay scallops
  • Sardines
  • Anchovies
  • Crabs: including king crab, snow crab, and blue crab
  • Lobsters
  • Shrimps: including freshwater and saltwater varieties
  • Mussels
  • Oysters

More information about seafood importers


An Insider’s Guide to Seafood Importers and Their Global Practices.

For many, seafood is a culinary delight, a nutrient-rich food category that includes everything from shrimps to salmon.

It’s also a global business, connecting our plates with the depths of our oceans and the skill of our fishermen.

Key players in this expansive network are seafood importers.

Seafood Importers: Linking Oceans to Our Plates.

Seafood importers are the lifelines in the intricate supply chain of the global seafood industry.

They source, transport, and deliver a range of seafood products from various parts of the world to our local markets, ensuring the freshest catches reach our kitchens.

Import Procedures for Seafood in Europe.

In Europe, the import of seafood is governed by rigorous European Union (EU) regulations.

Seafood importers must ensure that their products comply with EU’s food safety standards.

The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) provides the framework for imports, ensuring sustainable fishing practices and maintaining high-quality standards.

Importers have to verify the source of their products and provide a catch certificate, ensuring that the seafood has been caught legally, under approved conditions.

Additionally, importers must adhere to EU’s health and labeling regulations, including accurate nutritional information and allergen declaration.

Seafood Import Practices in the USA.

For the USA, seafood importers operate under the jurisdiction of several regulatory bodies including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

These agencies mandate that imported seafood meet the US federal requirements for food safety and sustainable fishing practices.

Moreover, the Seafood Import Monitoring Program (SIMP) requires importers to report key data about the harvest and supply chain of their products.

This traceability information aids in combating illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

Canada’s Framework for Seafood Import.

In Canada, seafood importers must comply with the rules and regulations set by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

The CFIA ensures that all seafood products entering the Canadian market are safe, wholesome, properly labeled and sustainably sourced.

Importers must provide detailed documentation, including export certificates from the country of origin, to prove that the seafood products comply with the regulations.

They must also have a robust traceability system, able to track the seafood from the point of capture to the Canadian market.

Seafood Import Procedures in Other Countries.

Around the world, similar stringent measures are in place to regulate seafood imports.

From Australia to Japan, seafood importers must navigate a complex web of regulatory measures designed to ensure consumer safety, product quality, and sustainable fishing practices.

Their meticulous attention to regulatory compliance, quality assurance, and traceability allows us to savor the ocean’s bounty, no matter where we live.

So the next time you relish a seafood dish, remember the significant role of the seafood importers in your culinary experience.


Seafood importers source their products from various countries around the world, depending on the specific type of seafood product.

Some of the top seafood exporting countries from where importers order their products include:

  • China: Known for exporting a wide variety of seafood products, including shrimp, tilapia, and squid.
  • Norway: Known for exporting salmon, cod, and other cold-water fish.
  • Thailand: Known for exporting shrimp, tuna, and other seafood products.
  • Vietnam: Known for exporting shrimp, pangasius, and other seafood products.
  • India: Known for exporting shrimp, crab, and other seafood products.

The global import volume of seafood products has been steadily increasing in recent years.

According to FAO, Asia is being the largest seafood importing region, followed by Europe and North America.